You know that awkward moment when you start to push open a door at the exact instant someone on the opposite side of the door starts pulling? You stumble forward with a surprised look on your face.
Now there’s a name for that peculiar event—doorfoolya. I thought you’d want to know. Please add it to your expanding vocabulary.
CAUTION: Like all words, this one is made up. You probably won’t find it in your dictionary yet. Therefore, you may not want to try to use it when playing Scrabble. Nevertheless, it is a mighty fine word to describe a specific, common phenomenon.
Pittsburgh, July 11, 2017
Lisa Hunerlach
July 13, 2017
This is a word that is in our family repertoire:
It is the dry, flaky residue and oily pre-mustard that you get when using the squeeze mustard bottle. Yuck. My daughter made it up when she was 12. She’s 38 now and frabblejackle is solidly indoctrinated among 5 family members and several friends.
Good work, John. Doorfoolya is extremely useful.