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The Giant Robot Says Hi


I just wanted to check in with all of our fans to see how everyone is holding up. Things are so strange with all the shut-downs and shelter-in-place orders. My neighborhood is more quiet than usual. I’ve been trying to go outside every day for a walk, and the streets are calm, there are no kids playing. It’s just me and my audiobook (the Steve Jobs biography, in case you’re wondering). It’s sad. I’m trying to support local businesses when I can. We’ve ordered take-out/curbside pickup from some of our favorite places this past week because I really don’t want them to go out of business. I want them to be here when we get to the other side of this thing.

I’m trying to stay positive. We will get through this and life will go on. What other option is there? Fortunately with running an online business, we’re allowed to keep running. As many of you know, there are just three of us. Me (Robot), my husband, Jack (Monkey), and the brains and talent behind all of our fun products, Don (Big Fish). We work from our respective homes, and are now just having FaceTime calls for our weekly meetings. We certainly don’t want to expose Don (yeah, he’s in that “at-risk” group) to any nasty pathogens. 

I’m sure that a lot of you are out of work now, and my heart is heavy for you. I hope that things turn around fast so you can get back to what you love (or loathe) to do.

I’ve also heard from many of you, thanking us for being here. Somehow, it seems that customers are feeling some level of happiness being able to buy products that poke fun at what calamities we could be facing, even in the midst of a horrible global crisis. For all of you that are still interested and able to make purchases, we thank you dearly. This is our livelihood, so just like I’m trying to support our local businesses as best I can, even with social distancing, we appreciate you helping us. As long as the government still allows online businesses to run, and logistics and warehousing and shipping to run, we’ll still be able to stay open for all of your calamitous needs.

I can’t wait until this crisis is over. Then we'll get to see what new designs Don has been working on while under house arrest.

Take care, everyone, and thanks for your amazing support! Let us know in the comments how things are going in your part of the world.

The Giant Robot

March 27, 2020

29 Responses

Melissa Fowler

May 01, 2020

Living in west Texas, working remotely while my MIL is locked down at the nursing home here in the town where she grew up. (Ballinger, TX) Ordered your pizza dragon Badbandana’s for my favorite pizza place in Miles, Texas and to pass along to a few special friends I knew would appreciate.

Had to have my own cookie jar though. Brilliant design! Look forward to adding to my collection. Happy to hear all is well in Calamityville.

Melissa Fowler


March 30, 2020

Cheers from Carbondale, CO where our one-stoplight town is quieter than ever. Unless you have a dog, then you’re allowed out for walks (with the dog, that is.) I may rent out our mutt to non-canine neighbors. So, my birthday is Friday and the little weekend getaway I had hoped for is a distant dream for now. Maybe that means some new Calamitywear will arrive instead? I’ll make sure my kid sees this so she can pester my husband. Thank you for keeping me smiling and reminding us all that, really, things could be worse.

Veronica Devenyi

March 30, 2020

Take care.


March 28, 2020

I just placed my first order that will go to my son, who lives in Seattle. He is going to get a kick out of your funny and clever products. It will be for his Birthday and the first time we won’t be able to celebrate together. I love the robot walking the Dog, that needs to be on a t-shirt.

Karen Spangler

March 28, 2020

Greetings from South Florida ! Thank you for continued good humor postings

Musia Stagg

March 28, 2020

Thanks for being. Maybe when Dumdum sends me $1200 I’ll have enough leftover for a dinosaur platter!

Laraine & Sam

March 28, 2020

Dear Giant Robot,
We had a good laugh in quiet old Santa Monica yesterday, when Sam couldn’t find you on a salad plate. Then, he realised, no Blob monster, no Monkey, etc.
It was my only remaining piece of blue willow ware. No calamity on it.
We most likely will not have the margin to invest in new pieces (or cool shower curtains or handsome aprons) until we are both back at work. However, we count on looking in from time to time to see the calamitous hijinks. Please stay well and keep your distance!!


March 27, 2020

Hi Ho from Chicago,

How lovely a robot you are! Working from home, drinking from a TCBW mug (it was a big hit on the company’s intranet ‘post your mug’ thread – of course I gave them the url) and eating from an Omnivore bowl. I am planning a reading of Stay Home to my “Sequestered Friends” FB page.

Cynthia E

March 27, 2020

I have been using the notecards whenever I have a difficult message. Today, I mailed some n95 masks I was able to score to a nurse friend who was having to re-use. And a CalamityWare card to say hi, and remind her that we lose our keys, we lose our jobs…

Leslie Wolf

March 27, 2020

I ordered and wore my “Things Could Be Worse” T-Shirt on what turned out to be the last day of school for what’s going to be at least a month (I work in the front office) – it got a lot of laughs on an incredibly tense day! Thanks!


March 27, 2020

My TCBW mug reminds me to be grateful every day. Life is a constant crapshoot, but if we all keep distant and disinfected, we just might be able to share some hugs again before the end of the year.
Thank you guys for your creativity.

Jean Matthias Breheney

March 27, 2020

Thank you, dear Giant Robot, for a lovely post 💙 Greetings to the Calamity team from the heart of Silicon Valley, where the freeways now flow and toilet paper is the chief monetary unit. May all our communities buckle down, stay home & stay well, so that we can all get back to plaguing the world as soon as possible. Can’t wait to get a peek at Don’s homework!

Laurie S Nelson

March 27, 2020

Today at lunch I had the last of my Christmas Glug, with trail mix, served hot in my Things Could Be Worse mug.
Hey, I’m working from home, and my boss doesn’t know!

Dinner last night in the Omnivores with my teenagers and college student. Oops, that sounds like the children are in the bowls – we all enjoy the humor and perfect shape of the those bowls – filled with Chicken and Saffron Pototoes/Zucchini/Sweet Peppers in a Tomato-Prune Sauce.

Things are quiet in Chicago, but I’m patiently and conscientiously waiting for parks to open in the summer, after this is all behind us.


March 27, 2020

Hi Robot, love my cups& plates. I’m keeping to myself in Montana USA. Also trying to support local businesses with takeout. Have realized that I am in the “old” & at risk asthma) group. Sure don’t feel old. Will be interesting to see what Don comes up with. 😁

Sheri J Kennedy

March 27, 2020

I’ve been greatly appreciating my Calamityware teapot and mugs these days. And I keep looking at your emails of things to purchase, but just can’t right now. I thought I’d let you know, that if we get stimulus checks, ordering from you is at the top of our list at my house. We want to support the artists, and your quirky ‘dark’ humor makes our every day brighter. Thanks!

Madeline Dorian

March 27, 2020

Hey there!

I have your Calamityware plates and the shower curtain, and my husband and I take great joy in them. Thank you for all you do and I look forward to seeing the fruits of your quarantine soon!

Marci Ameluxen

March 27, 2020

I just discovered you! Your work is awesome. Looking forward to buying gifts for friends and family.


March 27, 2020

Sending virtual (even more than 6’) hugs to you all and of course the fur babies! Yes, I can definitely see a “must have” piece of artwork that Don creates because of this when it’s all over. Stay healthy, keep moving, and wash your hands! xoxo

Janet Mills

March 27, 2020

Glad to hear you are coping so far. I live in Nova Scotia, Canada and was working on my PhD in the province next door, New Brunswick. I’m now working remotely from my home in NS – and yes, I am in that “at risk” group also because, what most of my peers in grad school don’t know, is I’m, er, old, but don’t seem it. I should say that I’ve learned that I’m old because my classmates keep explaining to me all the extra precautions they are taking because their parents are “old.” I’m actually older than many of them – it’s all rather discombobulating.

Jean Andersen

March 27, 2020

Sending love from NC. Most folks I speak with are sad…not scared, really. Just this feeling of sadness for what changes there may be in the lives of individuals, and society at large.
Be well…

Leslie Chadbourne

March 27, 2020

Hang in there, Lynnette! And I sure hope Don creates some awesome pandemic-related stuff so we can laugh at this nasty bug when the dust settles. Laughter heals the soul. We use our mugs every day and remember that things COULD be worse. We will all come out the other side together… practicing good distancing in the meantime!

Leslie Chadbourne

March 27, 2020

Hang in there, Lynnette! And I sure hope Don creates some awesome pandemic-related stuff so we can laugh at this nasty bug when the dust settles. Laughter heals the soul. We use our mugs every day and remember that things COULD be worse. We will all come out the other side together… practicing good distancing in the meantime!


March 27, 2020

Thanks for being there for us! I use my cup everyday and it reminds me to laugh.

Maggy Shannon

March 27, 2020

I’m looking forward to the new series depicting the upcoming 2033 plague of Coronateenagers.


March 27, 2020


Nicole Bunting

March 27, 2020

Using my Calamityware for meals during this time definitely always adds a boost of joy. Stay safe, and thanks for making a product that makes one smile.

Robert Hospadaruk

March 27, 2020

Ann Arbor, MI checking in from lockdown: We are doing much the same as you and hoping you and yours all the best – finding meaning an beauty in our new reality!

Love your art – when I can justify a few new coffee mugs (i’ll break some :-) I know where to go!


Dawn Walker-Elders

March 27, 2020

All the good wishes, Lynnette! <3

B. Delaney

March 27, 2020

Domo arigato Mrs. Roboto.

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