$10 off beer steins through 3/20

$10 off beer steins through 3/20



What’s cookin’ for 2023?

At the end of each year, I write a post here to forecast the projects I hope to complete in the year ahead. My forecasts have proven to be wildly inaccurate. That’s because I have the freedom to procrastinate and shift my priorities at any point. Indeed, that freedom is one of the reasons I love my self-inflicted projects.

This year, I’m going to take a different approach.

Rather than incorrectly predicting which projects I plan to bring to Kickstarter in 2023, I'm just going to share 10 drawing themes I expect to be exploring in my sketchbook. Maybe some of them will lead to projects. Maybe not. But here, in no particular order, are some of the topics I hope to be sketching in 2023.


1 Irksome Banes: We are all surrounded by things that cause annoyance and distress—spiders, volcanoes, voracious omnivores. All the stuff I like to draw. So, capturing assorted inconveniences in my sketchbook is sure to be part of 2023.


2 Opossums: Those quirky little prehistoric marsupials are everyone’s favorite opportunistic omnivores. And they are also fun to draw.


3 Troglodytes:  I never tire of drawing our ancient, cave-dwelling ancestors or cataloging their timeless wisdom.


4 Curiosity Cabinets: Collecting the rare, unusual, and mysterious is a defining human urge. And so is drawing all that junk. I’m in.


5 Pizza: one of the greatest human innovations, right up there with paper, pillows, heated car seats, and ice cream. In 2023, I plan to do my part to celebrate the crowning human accomplishment that is pizza.


6 Aliens:Drawing aliens is always a pleasant way to fill a sketchbook. So I do.


7 Exotic Letters:  Once you start looking for them, you’ll see them everywhere. Exuberant, irrepressible, and peppy letterforms are a joy to draw. (And, someday, they might be useful to make ransom notes.)


8 Old automobiles:  I've always had a soft spot for vintage cars and trucks. So, part of 2023 needs to be dedicated to drawing classics—famous and forgotten.


9 Jet Packs:  Weren’t we all supposed to have these by now? Still eagerly waiting for mine. Meanwhile, drawing jet packs, ray guns, and similar paraphernalia is a good way to fill the time waiting.


10 Gaily we prance about. I can offer no explanation, but drawing creatures cavorting seems like a natural topic for me. So, 2023 will see creatures in tutus strutting and gamboling.

That’s not all. Other drawing themes that didn’t make this top-10 list are brains in jars, dinosaurs, robots doing housework, dogs playing poker, quadrupeds, and any creature sporting tentacles.


Kickstarter?  I hope to launch a few Kickstarter projects in 2023 at a non-hectic pace. If everything goes right, you’ll see prints, porcelain, textiles, an illustrated book, and a game to enhance your cognitive powers. (But when does everything ever go right?)

Limited Influence. You might feel tempted to write and tell me which products you want me to work on. Go ahead. But don’t expect an individual reply and don’t expect me to actually shift my priorities just because you want me to draw cats, pasta, weasels, or spatterdashes.


Don—Pittsburgh, December 29, 2022

Copyright 2022. Don't duplicate without permission.

72 Responses

Darlene Smith-Ash

June 29, 2023

I don’t know what #10 is, but I like it a lot. Opossums also seem to be getting quite the paws up signs. I had a dream that they were playing soccer with some armadillos. Octo-alien referees? I’ll leave it at that. (Q: how did all you wierd people find each other?)



June 22, 2023

I like the ’possum idea…they do need a front pocket though, unless you are only specializing in the male of the species.

Dave Stone

March 30, 2023

Wow! Aren’t you ambitious!
I love everything you create – started with bandannas, then coffee mugs, then my wife found out how fun your stuff is, so now we have plates and Christmas ornaments, too.
I like the coloring book idea – you could incorporate some of your existing artwork, and just throw in weird odds and ends from your sketch pad – you know, stuff that didn’t make the merch cut. You really wouldn’t have to create anything new, just take the most fun stuff you already have. ;-)

Don’t ever change…

Evelyn Sawhill

March 20, 2023

Opossums — A resounding “YESSSS, please !!”
Also, someone before me suggested a Halloween cup/mug, which is another wonderful idea. Love all of your inventions. Thanks!

Paula Schmitt

March 09, 2023

If you ever get the chance you must see the Museum of Natural and Artificial Ephemerata in Austin TX – it’s right up your alley!

Linda Oistad

January 30, 2023

We love whatever squirts out of your skull, Don Moyer! Your visions fill our cupboards and closets and drape our beds and furniture. May the Farce be with you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


January 30, 2023

How about a coloring book? Those 2023 drawings (plus some weird new ones that only Don could think of) would make a wonderful coloring book! On good quality paper, please. Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?

Judith Kitzes

January 27, 2023

Possums, Irksome Banes, and the Cabinet of Curiosities because, well NANCY! That made me laugh out loud.

Annie Fitt

January 27, 2023

Have you ever considered doing another version of the petite plates? I had the monkey musicians (down to a single one due to unfortunate breakage incident) but would love different designs as well. This size is perfect for snacks or toast!

Jon Emmet

January 27, 2023



January 27, 2023

You had me at aliens. And jet packs. And tentacles. Hummmm, tentacled alien with a jet pack?


January 16, 2023

Any chance of some armadillos being added to your arsenal of creatures?

Carlyn Menth

January 16, 2023

Oh my!! Classic cars will make my heart trill with delight! A little dangerous at my age, but I’m willing, even anxious, to attempt it!!
Still, I need more bears and more bears after that.
Bears are my life. Classic cars? Yes please! Bears driving / pushing / eating classic cars? Be still my trilling heart!

Calyn Akstulewicz

January 16, 2023

Hairy spiders and a red 67 Mustang! Southern California! Love your stuff. Thank you for sharing it all with us!

Rachel Roberts

January 16, 2023

Two words: flower pots!
I have a hydroponic cherry tomato plant I want to stick in some dirt and would love a calamityware pot for it! Or for windowsill herbs! I know it can happen! Wishwishwishwishwish


January 04, 2023

i’m in for a calamity ware coloring book!!!!
bring on the vintage cars!

Lou Roth

January 04, 2023

Will you ever issue original artwork like the Kickstarter campaign of July 2019? You were kind enough to send me one and it is one of my favorite possessions!

Lucinda Rachel Moore

January 04, 2023

Oh my gosh! ’79 FJ60 in memory of my ’79 Toyota Landcruiser FJ60. Also, armadillos. The spiderweb is great!


January 04, 2023

Ooh, curiosity cabinets, vintage cars, and spiders! Lots of great inspiration here – though the big-eyed cavorting squid (with one tentacle oh-so-delicately raised and opposite arm extended) captured my heart, for some weird reason.

Looking forward to seeing more of all your designs in the new year!

martha buhler

January 04, 2023

Suggestion re: old cars and trucks, I don’t expect an answer.

Consider: 1950 FORD F1 half-ton short bed pickup, near and dear to my heart. Ours was dark blue.
Please note: The 1950 had different headlights from the previous years’ models.

Anal enough? Love your things.

Claudia Hearn

January 04, 2023

OMG. The ’Possums!


January 04, 2023


April Kohles

January 04, 2023

I see great promise in some new T-shirts featuring trogs, aliens with pizza, and gaily prancing monkeys with whatever that thing at the end of the line is. I and all my children, as well as friends, thank you for your weirdness. You have brought much joy and hilarity to our holidays.

Cynthia Barlow

January 04, 2023

Loved the spiders! I’m hoping for scary lizards someday. I love lizards.

Mary Kennedy

January 02, 2023


Gina Depew

January 01, 2023

Target a new group with lake monsters and sea monsters . I live on an island in lake Erie part time. Monster walleye, Sturgeon, fabled lake Erie Monster would appeal to a million or so. Also partial to octopus. Happy New Year!!!

Dorothy Finlay

January 01, 2023

Years ago they considered naming Kansas City, MO Possumtrot. I’m glad they didn’t! ’Possums are fascinating creatures and in previous years they would come into my yard. Too citified now.

Sarah Imbrunone

January 01, 2023

My husband and I have started coloring, like, in coloring books, to wind down from the day (mainly kids). We were just saying how we wished there was a Calamity Ware coloring book! That would be so much more fun than what we have! Nice sturdy pages that won’t bleed through. Strong enough to color with acrylic pens! Thanks for inviting our thoughts. We love what you do!

Karon L

January 01, 2023

Love your top-10 list! Old automobiles sounds fun (I wonder who is driving?) and those curiosity cabinets can be rather creepy…
Looking forward to your 2023 creations!

C. West

January 01, 2023

For some reason I really need a classic automobile cake plate. So many cake plates are fluffy but a classic auto one would be cool for boys and girls parties. And Grandma’s parties.

Deby Melamed

January 01, 2023

Love all your ideas, even the spatterdashes. However the opossums are catching my eye.
Hope you and your kin have a fantastic 2023. I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Aaron Tranes

January 01, 2023

I won’t ask you to draw anything. Instead I will leave 3 random thoughts.

Weasels are one of my favorite pests, mainly due to the fact that I met the love of my life after purchasing a box of one dozen starving crazed weasels from a donut shop. I’ll never forget the first words she said to me: “Hey, you’ve got weasels on your face.”

My son is very interested in cryptids and Cryptozoology. Did you know that there is a Cryptozoology museum in Portland, ME? You should visit it.

The word “spatterdashes” makes me think of spattergroit, the magical affliction that Ronald Weasley is accused of having. I don’t know what spatterdashes are, but they sound awesome.


January 01, 2023

More cats ! (I have 2 cat shirts !) … and how about some flamingos ? … or Bigfoot / Sasquatch ?

LeAnn Naquin

January 01, 2023

Love your pieces. I only have a few so far, but adding one here and there makes each one special to me. My favorite is my daily coffee cup of things could be worse.
Keep up the fun and good work.
Can’t wait to see what piece I get next.

M. O'Brien

January 01, 2023

Favs: Old autos, jet pack, and pizza

Jann Hoke

January 01, 2023

Don’s designs make me so happy. I gave Troll Bowls and Creature Comfort bedspreads to my children and friends for Christmas this year. I call them “heirloom gifts.” The quality is high, the designs funny and unique. They will last a lifetime, or longer. I have comforting visions of times many years in the future when these wonderful objects are described as: “Your great grandmother gave me this bowl.” or “I think of Jann every time I use that blanket.”

I thank Don and all at Calamityware for helping me give memorable gifts.

Diana B-R

January 01, 2023

LOVE the opossums!

Opportunistic Omnivores is my new band name.

Gwen I Harada

January 01, 2023

Hauoli Makahiki Hou! (Happy New Year! Hawaiian)
I love everything that makes up CalamityWare: technical clarity, creative imagination, dedication to the art of illustration and variety of formats.
Thank you.

Kathy Edmundson

January 01, 2023

Next November or for Christmas I will be looking for an oval platter with black drawings on white background. It was a request for a gift.
Thank you.

karen walton

January 01, 2023

Don, I want to thank you and all of the good folk who work with you for helping me to make many happy friends and family with your fantastic Calamity ware that I purchased for Christmas gifts ! Everyone has loved their mugs and the Christmas cards I gave them. Sadly, I did have to relate the disturbing review I read about concerning the tall Travel Mug w/ lid. Apparently, the lid has a bad history of not staying put when the mug contains hot beverages. I purchased 3 of those mugs, I had to warn my two grown daughters and a good friend, about the lid. Somehow, I feel bothered that I paid $28.00 dollars EACH for three Travel Mugs that do not function well. The mugs themselves are nice, love your artwork and designs. They are great and I would like to work on a collection of these pieces. I am just a bit disappointed about the travel mugs. Hava sweet day ! From the sunny Blue Ridge Mtns of Madison, Virginia

Pat Price

January 01, 2023

Hope it’s OK to pin some of these to my Pinterest boards. If not, please let me know. I don’t want you to send Flying Monkeys after me! I’m voting for delightful drawings 6, 7, 8, & 10.

Karen Snyder

January 01, 2023

Just a tad disconcerting to spy Nancy amongst the oddities in that Curiosity Cabinet! 👀

Margo Leontovich

January 01, 2023

Could you make wrapping paper? TCBW regular or Christmas?
Thank you for reading this.

Serena W Rachels

January 01, 2023

Could you please, somehow make your possums look less like rats or mice?
Thank you.


January 01, 2023

I’m still hoping tea cups will become available to those of us who didn’t get in on the kickstarter.

Linda Oistad

January 01, 2023

Sleeping well several layers under my beautiful Calamityware batty bedspread. Looking forward to more Calamityware in 2023!

Cindy Boehning

January 01, 2023

A Halloween mug would be the best Don, the best.


January 01, 2023

ALL OF THIS!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!! YES! I KNOW I’M YELLING!!!!!!!!!!!


January 01, 2023

Opossums. We all need more opossums in our lives. And in our kitchens. Please. Opossums.

Lisa Burt

January 01, 2023

LOVE the spider in the web.

Kathleen Getz

January 01, 2023

Enjoying my Calamityware mug(gifted one to each of my dedicated preschool teachers…all 16 of them!). Just hoping as I read this that you have been to the Mutter Museum in Philly…would provide great inspiration ( my Daughter in law volunteers there and would love to show you around). Happy New Year!

A Huber

January 01, 2023

Opossums! Yes, yes, and oh yes!
…also aliens with pizza.

Jean Quijano

January 01, 2023

Love youz guys! More jigsaw puzzles, please! And cats. Pizza is good too! Happy New Year!

Cindy Mills

January 01, 2023

Oh, please, please, please; opossums, troglodytes, prancing creatures, and aliens! You can never have too many aliens or dinosaurs!

Diane McDaniel

January 01, 2023

Tshirts with tshirts on them…bummer


January 01, 2023

Yes to opposums!! I know more than one person who would crave nearly any product with those cute beings on it!

Katherine H

January 01, 2023

I have a small collection of Calamityware including the epic shower curtain and the decals to make anything/everything worse. I bought some fabric from Spoonflower.com in TCBW & my favorite, Coffee Dragons.
I would love gear for my coffee/espresso bar in Coffee Dragons, like maybe a coffee matt or a large silicone mat. Decals would be awesome! Maybe a set of Coffee & Vigilant dragons? With a bonus Pizza Dragon?
I sent out the TCBW Holiday cards & this is the 1st time I’ve gotten compliments on a card that didn’t include photos of my child.
Wishing you all at Calamityware a not-so-calamitous new year.

Judith Gill

January 01, 2023

Oh possums would be lovely especially with a hedgehog thrown in… or maybe a fairy Actually you should look up Celtic mythical creatures as I would buy anything with one of them on it thank you for making the world a little bit better

Karla Jackson-Levine

January 01, 2023

Happy New Year, Don!
All these made me laugh and I look forward to any final versions/products you and the gang put forth in ’23!

Karla Jackson-Levine

January 01, 2023

Happy New Year, Don!
All these made me laugh and I look forward to any final versions/products you and the gang put forth in ’23!

MaryLou Sheridan

January 01, 2023

Aliens (are cephalopods in this category?)!
Vintage automobiles!
Yes please to these, and I look forward to your Kickstarter campaigns.

A Huber

January 01, 2023

Opossums! Yes, yes, and oh yes!
…also aliens with pizza.


January 01, 2023

Love it all!
But especially . ‘Possums!!!!


January 01, 2023

Old automobiles sounds terrific!

Stephanie Phillips

January 01, 2023

I don’t know what a spatterdash is, but it sounds like fun, as are opossums with their quirky little feet, accompanied here in East Texas by the twitchy antics of adolescent armadillos. May you have as much fun sketching as the rest of us have enjoying your creations!

Rebecca Ackerman

January 01, 2023

Love love love the curiosity cabinet and pizza ideas!

Marcia Oldham

January 01, 2023

More jigsaw puzzles please. Love them.


January 01, 2023

Have you thought about drawing the conjunction of ice cream and heated seats? I personally think the tornado and the sitting caveman need to be on hoodies. Wishing you a pizza-ful 2023!

Nancy Bucher

January 01, 2023

Happy Holidays, Calamityware Family! Keep up the wonderfully bizarre work. My friends and I love it! Many Thanks, Nancy


January 01, 2023

Lookin weird, thanks Don.


January 01, 2023

Excited for the red throw blankets to come in. Would be interested in those throws in other colors. Love your letterpress prints. Super excited to see if the opossums, cabinet of curiosities, and spider will make the cut this next year. Either way, keep on creating and I will keep on buying!

Linda Miller

January 01, 2023


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