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Sniffer Dog

Potential biohazard? KT, a sponsor in Australia, received her Stay Home book but the shipment was delayed because of an overzealous sniffer dog. Here’s her story...

I thought you might be interested to know that the book package was intercepted by Australia’s biosecurity agency. The notice that arrived with the book says “the package was screened by detector dogs and the result raised concerns necessitating the package to be opened for inspection. Nothing of a biosecurity concern was found so the package was delivered in its entirety.” 

My version of the event looks like this.



Of course, the search was futile and turned up no biohazards or aliens. You don’t need to wear your hazmat suit while reading Stay Home.

Events like this are called “false positives.” Every warning system has them. Buster still deserves a dog treat for recognizing aliens even if they are just depicted in the illustrations.

The Stay Home book is available in the Calamityware store.

Pittsburgh, February 21, 2018

1 Response

Pea Green

March 21, 2018

Ah, gotta love our wonderful overzealous sniffer dogs here in Oz. I sleep well at night knowing the aliens can’t get me . . . . that and the tinfoil hat

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